Where are the Anesthesia Jobs?




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Where are the most jobs for anesthesiologists and nurse anesthetists? According to information from the Bureau of Labor Statistics from May 2011 (the most recent available), California represents the largest number of anesthesiologists, followed by Texas, New York, Illinois and Florida. Another snapshot of the job market, based on analysis of Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist jobs posted last week on the anesthesia employment resource site GasWork.com, shows that states with the most CRNA opportunities per capita include Wyoming, Maine, Tennessee, Massachusetts and North Dakota.

It’s a competitive job market, especially if you are looking for anesthesia work in a state where demand is not as high. What, then, should a qualified candidate, especially a newly minted anesthesiologist or CRNA do? “Networking is critical,” says Brandy Pearson, director of national recruitment for Somnia Anesthesia, “Look at where the growth is and make connections, especially within your area of interest. For example, do you want to work in ambulatory anesthesia? Research where new ambulatory surgery centers are planned within your targeted geographic area.”

Somnia Anesthesia and Gaswork.com will host a free webinar, “Anesthesia Careers: Trends and Opportunities” on Tuesday, October 23 at 5 p.m. Eastern Time. The webinar, designed for both recent graduates and experienced professionals in the field, will provide helpful insights from seasoned anesthesiology professionals who will offer tips for career advancement and share more detailed information about where the jobs are right now. Register for the webinar here.

Somnia Anesthesia

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