For some time now, high employee turnover rates have been challenging companies in many sectors, including healthcare. It’s been costly and disruptive to both the organizations and their customers. When employees are not happy, everybody knows about it. Organizations have tried and continue trying a variety of ways to retain their most important asset—their employees. Yet more money and flexible schedules alone haven’t been the answer.
This issue is perhaps more critical when it comes healthcare and involves clinicians. A Becker’s Hospital Review article in January 2018 shared that a study by Compdata Surveys of more than 10,000 healthcare employers with more than 11 million employees revealed an increase of nearly 20% in turnover in 2017. That rate is second only to the rate in the hospitality industry.
When it comes to anesthesia providers, there are some who believe it helps to change things up a bit, to mix the type of cases they cover. And to avoid burnout, it’s also important to take vacation throughout the year, not all at once. Everyone needs to recharge their batteries.
Being happy on the job and being satisfied with the work are two different things. That’s why we continue our annual survey of anesthesiologists and CRNAs. Our goal to gain insight into their workplace preferences and to help identify industry trends, which change from market to market and work environment to work environment. Read the results of our latest survey here.