National Healthcare Quality Week 2013




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Last week, the National Association for Healthcare Quality (NAHQ) celebrated its annual National Healthcare Quality Week (NHQW). Originating in 1985 after NAHQ House of Delegates approved a proposal to create this annual week-long program, National Healthcare Quality week recognizes and celebrates the hard work and dedication of healthcare quality and patient safety professionals nationwide.

With patient safety and quality care being of upmost importance to Somnia Anesthesia executives, staff, and anesthesia professionals, Somnia’s practices nationwide celebrated by posting flyers and distributing literature bringing awareness to this week of recognition and thanks.

While Somnia’s clinical staff was commemorating NHQW, Congress also thought it fit to officially recognize these professionals for their endless efforts ensuring patients across America are getting the best quality and safest care possible. Congresswoman Janice D. Schakowsky of Illinois gave a speech in front of congress to show her gratitude and support for NHQW and the National Association for Healthcare Quality, which is headquartered in Chicago, Illinois and within her district.

“Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support of the nation’s healthcare quality and patient safety professionals who work every day to ensure that our health system delivers high quality, cost-effective and safe care….Healthcare quality and patient safety professionals make a positive contribution to our care by monitoring clinical processes and outcomes, analyzing data to improve systems, and helping to integrate new, evidence-based practices.”

In 1985, President Ronald Reagan personally wrote a letter to then NAHQ president, Anna Prescott, giving his full support of National Healthcare Quality Week as well as his encouragement. This, along with celebrations nationwide from state associations for healthcare quality, hospitals and medical professionals, demonstrates the amount of gratitude owed towards these healthcare quality and safety professionals.

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