Consumers of most products and services are looking for value (quality at low costs) and positive customer experiences. In response, businesses in every sector need to deliver both to be success and to remain competitive. Healthcare is no different.
With a go-live date of January 2017, the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA) will be shifting the payment model from fee-for-service to fee for quality and value, meaning good care at low cost. Such a dramatic change would not be easy for any industry, for healthcare, which is not exactly nimble, it may be especially challenging. The law and its attending regulations, all 1,000 pages of them, and their impact are just beginning to be comprehended by providers.
In a recent article posted on, Dr. Emil Engels, offers insight into and explanations of how MACRA will play out in the field of anesthesiology. In his piece, he describes the various facets of this new payment program and how they will affect MDAs and CRNAs alike. Out with volume, in with value. How prepared are you for the change?
In case you missed it, you can read the full article here.
Source: Engels, Emil, MD, MBA, CPC (2016, September 16). The Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA): The Dawn of a New Era Quality Queries and Quandaries: Retrieved from