As most of the country spent the Fourth of July festivities at a family BBQ or laying in the sun, it would be remiss to not take the time this month to celebrate our country’s indomitable fighting spirit that was on display during another holiday earlier this year – Patriots’ Day. The terrorist attacks that took place this year during the Boston Marathon, a regional institution each year on Patriots’ Day, are not soon to be forgotten.
And while time may not heal all wounds, and the horrific events still too raw to comprehend, new stories have emerged that speak volumes of the professionalism and heroism exhibited that day.
In the June issue of Anesthesiology News, the journal had the opportunity to speak with several anesthesiologists who were part of the emergency response team at five trauma centers in the vicinity.
A stronger recommendation cannot be made to read the piece in its entirety, which you can do so by clicking here. Among the more interesting anecdotes relayed in the article:
- Time of day, the public holiday, and weather all contributed to a rapid response rate that may have not been as ideal under different circumstances.
- Ingenuity of first responders at the scene of the blast helped anesthesiologists have a better state of preparation than expected.
- Communication amongst victims and staff was tested, with clinicians having to incorporate pre-modern forms of communication.
- Stability was of chief concern, and because most injuries were to lower limbs, anesthesiologists had an easier time doing so.
- Pain management and the utilization of regional anesthesia were an essential component of many of the emergency procedures conducted.
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