A difference of opinion: PTs weigh-in on peripheral nerve blocks




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It seems some physical therapists (PTs) and some anesthesiologists hold different opinions about pain medicine, particularly its effect on PTs' ability to rehab patients following total knee and total hip replacement surgeries. The difference caught the attention of Steven Porter, MD, an assistant professor of anesthesiology at the Mayo Clinic, in Jacksonville, FL, who, after working with PTs at the institution, wanted to quantify or qualify the PTs' opinions on paper.
The instrument used to capture the opinion data was an un-validated 24-question survey of 20 full-time PTs. At issue is the PTs belief that peripheral nerve blocks impair their ability to do their jobs in delivering lower extremity rehabilitation; their opinions about shoulder surgery were not as strong. Their feelings about how the blocks affect patients with lower extremity procedures were also strong.
Though in contrast, both the existing data and the opinions of the physicians and the PTs point to a need for communication—better or more—between the different specialties to ensure patients are receiving the best care possible.
Read more about the study here.
Source: Vlessides (2016, September 12). Ask Your PTs Their Opinion of Your Blocks. Anesthesiology News. Retrieved from 

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