

Managing the Anesthesia Selection Process (RFP)

Somnia Anesthesia created this infographic explaining four important areas to review whether you are an ASC or Hospital looking to change your current anesthesia partner. This guide gives you pointers you…

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National Safety Goals for Office-Based Surgery Facilities

Somnia Anesthesia created this infographic explaining the four important safety protocols to review in your office-based practice. With the number of office-based surgical procedures increasing rapidly the last decade, this guide…

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6 Things Every Office-Based Surgical Facility Should Know

Somnia Anesthesia created this infographic explaining six important areas to review in your office-based practice. With the number of office-based surgical procedures increasing rapidly the last decade, this guide can give…

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Somnia’s New Acute Pain Website

Somnia Anesthesia launches Acute Pain website available to Clinicians within Somnia’s Network. This new proprietary acute pain website was designed to keep clinicians apprised of current topics related to acute pain.…

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Anesthesia Solutions for Your Medical Practice

Somnia Anesthesia offers the right amount of coverage when and where you need it, regardless of your specialty. Our dedicated account management team helps keep your practice survey-ready making sure your…

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